absorption ---------- emission
atoms ---------- particles
electrons ---------- protons
ordered ---------- mixed (or chaotic)
organised ---------- disorganised (or chaotic)
acceleration ----------- deceleration
action ---------- reaction
alkaline ---------- acidic
attraction ---------- repulsion
dense ---------- light
diffuse ---------- concentrate
energise ---------- deenergise
float ---------- sink
mind ---------- body
psyche ---------- physique
sense ---------- nonsense
signal ---------- noise
soft ---------- hard
sensitive ---------- numb (or insensitive)
speeding ---------- slowing
Earth (groupwise)
animals ---------- plants
carnivores ---------- herbivores
community ---------- individual
oceans ---------- lands
prey ----------- predator
Humans, Life and Works
abstain ----------- indulge
active ---------- inert (e.g. Idle, passive)
clear ---------- vague (or muddy ??)
coherent ---------- mixed (or fussy)
consistent ---------- inconsistent
expression ---------- impression
girls ---------- boys
individual ---------- group (e.g., family, society)
input ---------- output
easy ways ---------- hard ways
light works ---------- hard works
like ---------- dislike (or averse, hostile)
logical ---------- illogical
males ---------- females
moral ---------- immoral
normal ---------- abnormal (e.g, subnormal, supernormal )
physical ---------- mental
private ---------- public
produce ---------- consume
pure ---------- dirty (or mixed)
rich ---------- poor
save ---------- spend
society ---------- members (e.g.,citizens, families)
sweet ---------- sour
upper class ---------- lower class
well done ---------- ill done
virtue ---------- sin
Qualities and quantities
bright ---------- dim
confidence ---------- doubt
correct ---------- corrupt
deep --------- shallow
dark ---------- light
funny ---------- serious
good ---------- bad
high ---------- low
honour ---------- dishonour
independent ---------- dependent
Individualistic ---------- sociable
Integrative ---------- superficial (or partial)
Intelligent ---------- foolish (or fussy)
Love ---------- hate
objective ---------- subjective
rational ---------- irrational
real ---------- fake
right ---------- wrong
short term ---------- long term
small ---------- big
thin ---------- thick
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