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                   Fun  With  Words

     Did anybody ever notice that fun is a product of  'mixing' of words or ideas? This might not be 100 per cent correct,  
     but safe-to-say  within colloquial precision of words and talks. See below some examples.  

     #   Marriage is like a midnight phone call - you get a ring and then you wake up.
 (from Funny Jokes by Prince Naman)  

#   Neurons make new-ROMs  in the brain.                                                                                                                                                                                
     #   Some barbers sometimes behave barbaric.                                                                                                                                                         
     #   One wife to another;  "we have a strange and wonderful  relationship. He is
       strange and I am wonderful".        (from Funny Jokes by  Prince Naman)   
     Another way to make fun is by mixing-up words which pronounce similarly (punning), but from diffrent  languages.  
     See below some examples.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

     #   Thailand is  'thaai-land'  for some Indians.     (thaai  means aunt in some parts of  India)                  
     #   Nagaland is not  'nag-land'  alone.     (nag in Hindi means snake)          
     #   Banians make shops below banyan trees.     (banians means Indian traders)                         
     #   Cut off the tail of devil, behold  there is a devi.     (devi in Hindi means goddess)

     #   Farm  ' imly '  family will form.       ( 'imly'  in Hindi means tamarind)

     Similarly one can make dozens or hundreds. But be careful, you might seem to be an oddball for   some persons.        
     Another way to make fun with words is by trying to find out their origin or coinage (other than by etymology). See this      story about the origin  of the word 'restaurant'. Long back, somebody for the first time, built  a  small house and put up      a board,  'for-rest-or-rent'. Many others followed in many areas. With time and colloquialisation, 'for'  got lost and      RESTAURANT  was coined.  See another story about a university. The word 'university' possibly was coined out of      'universe'. But what a university in a few hundreds of hectares has to do with  the unknown, unmeasured universe?      Yes, there is something. A full-fledged university has facilities for study and  research in all subjects covering the whole      universe. Similarly, if you play with words you can make lots of fun and  sometimes valid propositions also. (See the      lists below)  


                                                In the dictionary, one can see different meanings or definitions for words for uses in different contexts.
                                                Words with only one meaning are very less (e.g., abaya, aboulia, begone, biannual). All proper  names,   
                                                possibly, have only one meaning. Long back  I had to think hard for days together(sometimes) to find
                                                out the exact or fully correct  meaning of  words. It happened so due to my decision to get the meaning
                                                only from my memory and from my own  thinking. Ater prolonged thinking, sometimes even mixed-thinking
                                                or misthinking, I used to get the exact  meaning or the  'only word'  for the intended sense. This method
                                                enriched my power of words and writing. Also I developed some 'insight'  into formation of words from  
                                                sounds. See below in four sections, some fun, sense and stories, I could find out  during many research  
                                                years of hard  and  pure thinking, and sometimes misthinking .                                                                                          

is this the right meaning, at least sometimes?                                      

  #   Steadfast           :          steady and fast \
  #   Discuss             :          dis - cuss \
  #   Flambuoyant     :          fly-buoyant  or  buoyant like flying                                                         
  #   Revolution         :          re-evolution
  #   Nuisance           :          noise-in-essence
  #   Identify                :          make a 'dent'  with eye
  #   Illumination       :          ill - lumen-ation
  #   Inspiration         :          in-spirit-ation   (making spirit in mind)
  #   Careful               :          Coordinated, Automatic Reacting Energy  -   full
  #   Idiot                    :           idea-not
  #   Imagination      :           image-in-ation  (making image in mind)
  #   Thinking            :           the-inking   or the first inking                                                                                                                                                             


     fun  and  philosophy                             


When you believe in something you are letting it  'be-alive'  in you.                                                                                                                              
  #   An odinary mind is an ordered mind.                                                                                                                                                                                  
  #   When groping alone in dark, grouping together can bring light.                                                                                                                                   
  #   Intelligence is  'in-telling-ness',  something that talks from inside.                                                                                                                              
  #   Sometimes believing a person can  'be-living'                                                                                                                                                                 
  #   Mental development becomes  'metal development'  when  'n' is lost,  'n'  stands for nature.                                                                                
  #   Democracy becomes  'demonocracy'  when a  'no'  creeps in between.  
       (in the sense when negative attitudes prevai)

When you are isolated by others, you tend to find solace  in  ' I ' .                                                                                                                                 
Honesty  is hone for thinking.                                                                                                                                                                                               
If you know the difference between ' tension'  and  'attention', you know something about  learning.                                                                       
 funny  stories              
  #   One woman to her companion,  "my husband is my  'fuss-bond'.                                                                                                                                    
  #   During the time of forest life many types of humans did not have a written script. Communications were similar to those of animals  
          in   various sounds and gestures. Afterwards  words  were coined for different purposes. See one funny coinage.  Once in a forest
          two young persons, a male and a female, were courting and loving. The male, let us call him man, went on  pleasing and pleading  
          with his female company.

   Male:   "shall we go for  plucking  flowers?"                                Female:     "Um"                                                                                                
                   Male:   "shall we go for swimming?"                                            Female:     "Uum"                   
                   Male:   "shall we sing together?"                                                   Female:     "Wum"                                                                 
                   Male:   "shall we dance?"                                                               Female:     "Um,um,  woom"                                                                           
                                    The 'man'  coyly  giggled,  "you are a  woo-man"                                                
                                    This is how  the word  'woman'  was coined.
#   A  scientist after decades of studies and research went to a seer and enquired;  "what is the meaning of life"?. The seer replied ;     
          "see the dictionary ".                                
  #   Story of  ' X '   and  ' Y '  --  it is a story starting in science( X - the unknown) and search( Y - for why) and ending  again in  ' X'  and             
          ' Y '  (REsearch).                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
 fun and sense                                                                                                                                                                    
If you want to be modern, you have to be living in  'mode - earn'.                                                                                                                                  
   #    Wisdom is short for  'wise's  domain'.                                                                                                                                                                                
   #   Fashion can bring out passion.                                                                                                                                                                                            
   #   Cattles can make a   cat ill  .                                                                                                                                                                                                  
   #   Some conventions are made in  convents.
 #   Words make worlds.

   #   He when ill is in hell.  
   #   Beautiful persons can be  'booty - full'  also.  
#   Evolution is through eve's  ovulation.
   #   Hormones harmonize humans.
 #   I learn and earn,  so I own money and honey.  
   #   Many learn about loans and many others about lawns.
 #   All that I earn go into an  urn.
   #   Eating shellfish can be  selfish.   
   #   LANGUAGE  is short for Local  Area  Networking,  for Guessing,  
Understanding,  Assessing,  Grading  Etc.
   #   Queries in (in mind)  can make a person  'inquire' .                                                                                                                                                         
   #   Secrets can make a person sacred.                                                                                                                                                                                    
   #   What sits in a depot is deposit.                                                                                                                                                                                           
   #   Women are made by wooing men.   
 #   Unnecessary  ' whys '  can lead to vice.
   #   Unnecessary advice can 'add-vice'.  
   #   Did you notice that communication is 'common-ication'  of ideas.   
   #   Communication makes communities.  
   #   All undertakings are done under-talking.
  #   If you are a frustrated devotee, it is time for prostration.
   #   Marriage is like a carriage. It is a social vehicle for a long journey.
   #   Managing goes with a  'man - ageing'.   
   #   Idling can be 'ill-idea'-ing.      
 #   Often exercising can be  'exorcising'.    
   #   Don't think ill of eves, you might become  evil.                                                                                                                                                               
   #   It is good to revise something, but don't   're-vice'.                                                                                                                                                            
   #   Sometimes inactivity can be due to  'activity - in' (in the mind).                                                                                                                                       
   #   Interests from banks can drive you  'into - rest'.                                                                                                                                                                    
   #  Is romance a  raw man's love?

   #   A statement can be a 'state of mind'

   #   Gibberish causes rubbish. Don't talk rubbish, rub out rubbish.                                                                                                                                                                                      

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                                                                         Fun  With  
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