A. Research Papers
1. Waves in coastal waters off Mangalore part I: distribution of wave
characteristics. K.V.S. Raman, M.J. Varkey, P.K. Vijayarajan, V.C. John
and M.X. Joseph, I.J. Met. And Geophys. 25(3&4) 1974: 453-460.
2. Temperature distribution in the upper layers of the northern and eastern
Arabian Sea during Indo-Soviet Monsoon Experiment. V . Ramesh Babu,
L.V.G. Rao, M.J. Varkey and P. Udaya Varma, I.J. Met. Hydro. and
Geophys. 27(3) 1976: 291-293.
3. Light transmission characteristics of the northern Arabian Sea during
December-May. M.J. Varkey and V. Kesava Das, I.J.M.S. 5 1976:
4. Physical characteristics of the Laccadive Sea (Lakshadweep). M.J.
Varkey, V. Kesava Das and D.V. Ramaraju, I.J.M.S. 8(4) 1979: 203-210.
5. Water masses and general hydrography along the west coast of India
during early March. V. Ramesh Babu, M.J. Varkey, V. Kesava Das and
A.D.Gouveia, I.J.M.S. 9(2) 1980: 82-89.
6. Power spectra of currents off Bombay. M.J. Varkey, I.J.M.S. 9(4) 1980:
7. Spectra and gross features of vertical temperature and salinity profiles off
the central west coast of India. M.J. Varkey and R. Nagarajan, Mausam 36
(1) 1985: 57-66.
8. Reference depth for geostrophic computations – a new method. M.J.
Varkey and J.S. Sastry, I.J.M.S. 17(2) 1988: 91-93.
9. Phase spectral composition of wind generated ocean surface waves. M.J.
Varkey, I.J.M.S. 17(3) 1988: 181-188.
10. Numerical simulation of wind wave surface profiles using tuned phase
spectra. M.J. Varkey, I.J.M.S. 18(3) 1989: 177-183.
11. Ocean wave nonlinearity and phase couplings. M.J. Varkey, I.J.M.S. 20
(2) 1991: 93-96.
12. Interpretation of nonlinearity of ocean surface waves. M.J. Varkey, IJMS
22(2) 1993: 98-110.
13. Richardson Number, stability and turbulence – a coherent view. M.J.
Varkey, I.J.M.S. 25(2) 1996: 160-162.
14. Physical oceanography of the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea. M.J.
Varkey, V.S.N. Murty and A. Suryanarayana, Oceanography and Marine
Biology – an Annual Review. Vol. 34 1996 1-70.
15. Summer monsoon rainfall prediction for India – some new ideas. M.J.
Varkey in Predicting Meteorological Events – Mathematical Approach,
Ed. N.C.Mahanti Narosa Publishing House New Delhi.
16. IMD’s model for forecasting monsoon in India. M.J. Varkey, Curr. Science
84(12) 2003: 1500-01.
B. Thesis & Books
17. Wave Atlas for Arabian Sea & Bay of Bengal. 1982. M.J. Varkey (first
author out of 5), National Institute of Oceanography Dona Paula pp.
385 (out of print).
18. Salt Balance and Mixing in the Bay of Bengal. Ph.D. thesis 1986. M.J.
Varkey, University of Kerala India pp. 118.
19. Science of Asian Monsoon. 2007. M.J.Varkey, pp.162, Distributed by,
Broadway Book Centre Aashirwad Building Panaji 403001.
C. Popular Articles and Letters
20. Flow charts . M.J. Varkey, Science Today March 1988: 31- .
22. Killer storms from the seas. M.J. Varkey, Science Reporter November
1977 34: 9-13.
23. Controlling new genes. M.J. Varkey, Science Reporter October 1997: 7-
24. Pollution of coastal seas. M.J. Varkey, Resonance January 1999 4(1):
25. Science popularization and the Indian constitution. M.J. Varkey, Curr.
Science 2000 78(9): 1054-
26. Reference problems. M.J. Varkey, Curr. Science 2001 80(10): 1249-
D. Consultancy, Technical and Software Reports
There are more than 17 reports on various topics, projects etc. These
were published (not printed) for limited circulation only, within the
research institute, before retirement.