THIS ANIMATED SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM is a revised version of one of my published diagrams ( Pollution of Coastal Seas, Resonance January 1999 vol. 4(1) 36-44, Indian Academy of Sciences Bangalore) dealing with pollution and coastal environments.The old version had two more fundamental background variables, viz..,' world in balance' and 'sustainable global development' . Then, the message I wanted to express was, in a ' world in balance' or in a peaceful world, sustainable development is possible, if exploration (research, surveying etc.), exploitation(extraction, production etc.) and conservation activities are balanced. How serious were pollutions of rivers, seas, atmosphere and Earth about 40-60 years back ! Much of the accumulated dirt and waste was cleaned up, mainly from urban areas. But consequences of increasing population, uncontrolled industrialization, cosumerism etc. are overtaking all cleaning works. Atmospheric pollution and global warming are subjects of international discussions and debates with governmental and popular dimensions. (Click here for more on global warming and green Earth). Hence I wanted to bring to the attention of readers - animatedly - the current global necessity of balancing development, science, technology and conservation. GOVERNMENTS WITH POLICIES FOR GREEN TECHNOLOGIES AND GREEN CITIES CAN SOLVE THE NATIONAL AND GLOBAL PROBLEMS.

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