WHAT  IS  TRUTH?  This is a question which puzzled or inspired many and swept away  thinkers,
idealists, philosophers reformers etc. Some of them simply threw away their properties, wealth, status etc., when they got immersed in
their 'deep'  thoughts to find solutions for widespread miseries, sufferings, poverty, diseases, inequalities, cruelty, war etc. Those who
succeeded in their deep pursuits put forward new philosophies, idealogies, codes of life or 'dharmas'  or instituted new nations, religions,
academies etc. ( This is not to discredit or ignore millions of ordinary, familial  persons who follow  
 WELL  some traditionally established
'codes of life' and have no time and energy to ponder deep into the fundamental or philosophical bases of their daily lives).  

                                             See some of these ' tall'  persons'  conclusions about truth. " God alone is truth  and everything else is
transitory  and illusory",  
Mohandas K. Gandhi;  "truth is mighty  and will prevail" , Thomas Brooks;  "man approaches the unattainable truth
through a succession of errors",
Aldous Huxley;  "if you shut up truth and bury it under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such
explosive power that the day it bursts through, it will blow up everything in its way ",
Emile Zola ; "truth is higher than everything, higher still is
true living",
Japji; "a search after God is indeed an inquiry after Highest Truth or Good", G.V.Desani; "as for the search for truth, I know from
my own painful searching, with its many blind alleys, how hard it is to take a reliable step, be it ever so small, towards the understanding of
that which is truely significant"
A. Einstein; "an independent, nonparty science is impossible; the truth is whatever leads to success and
practice alone constitutes the criterion of truth",
Karl Marx ; "we must know the truth to act wisely, and truth comes from physical reality",
Heisenberg W.   

                                                                 So there is no universally agreed answer for the question, 'what is truth'.  The differences are interpretational due to beliefs, ideologies and religions. This is because all the thinkers
or searchers were conditioned to different degrees by their sects, cultures,
 schools of thought etc. Only
persons who could strip themselves out of all their cultural, professional, national,.... outfits, achieved global
or universal solutions or answers.

                                                                 Now with all these philosophical or ideological differences of opinions,
what an ordinay person or intellectual  should consider as 'truth', without any doubt? See  what  is displayed
in the 'home page' .            

   What is truth?
                                                                                                                  What is true is truth
                                                                                                                  What  is true?
                                                                                                                  That tree is true.        

A tree as a tree  would be agreeable as real, physical and true to  ALL  who see it, touch it, smell it, ................   . No ambiguity of any sort.  
Similarly, a stone, a dog, a flower, a house, a mountain etc. With the background of first 3 paragraphs I can add,

 Not  what the mystics mystify,
                                                                                                                 Not  what the philosophers philosophize,
                                                                                                                 Not  what the scientists thoerise,
                                                                                                                 Only what you see, hear, touch,..... and
                                                                                                                 Experience and experiment and verify.   

                                                                 Because mystifying, philosophizing and theorising are dependent, to different degrees,  on one's own beliefs, experiences, analyses, interpretations, etc. See,  what is attributed to Goutam Buddha(prince, sannyasi, philosopher and enlightener), who is thought to have lived about  2500 years back. " Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own  reason and your own common sense".  

                                      No better words of intelligence  were said about  beliefs during the last more than 2000 years,
perhaps?  What should be the dominating or controlling role of reason and common sense in dealing with things of belief  in day-to-day life
is very clear.   Click here for " What are myths. "                              


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