Human beings who presently inhabit Earth, belong to species Homo sapiens sapiens. This is a subspecies of Homo sapiens. Homo habilis, Homo erectus and other extinct species belong to the same genus Homo. Homo means ‘any primate of genus Homo’ and sapient means ‘wise’ or ‘aping wisdom’. So Homo sapiens means, homo who apes or imitates wisdom; in other words ‘wise man’.
                                        Now go to the beginning times(to erectus level) of Homo sapiens. How did they mimic wisdom to become wise? Where was wisdom at that prehistoric times, about 1.6 million years back 1 ; not in books or proverbs as it is today. It was in nature, in-built in natural organizations and organisms, as their evolving spirit/principle. They were following or imitating this principle by instinctively selecting what is good for them from natural environments. The giant step their predecessors made about 4 millions years back was learning to stand upright on two legs and walk. For a chimpanzee (human like ape)who walks on four legs and swings on trees usings front legs (or hands), this could have come instinctively with a shift to predominantly land based life from life on trees. This caused big and qualitative changes in brain and formed the cerebellum. The neuronal and nuero-muscular changes needed for this giant step was huge and resulted in a very different Homo. Primitive verbal communications could have succeeded this acquirement of upright posture and cerebellum. These original members of genus Homo learned to make stone tools and start a fire and became very adaptive. Learning and evolution continued for a few millions of years and Homo sapiens sapiens came into being. From foresters they became tribals to live by farming and rearing in settlements called tribal areas. Many more inventions followed. Later over long periods of time, they formed scripts and writing tools and transformed into cultured people. They became villagers and agriculturists. With permanency of domiciles and property, related services, agents, tradesmen, artists etc. developed. Myths, legends, folklores, music etc. became popular. Mythologies were scripted and popularized for benefits of learning and morals in society. So gods and goddesses were imaged, sculptured and worshipped and deities formed out of deification. Then, who are real gods, the artefacts or creators of artefacts? Are they ordinary humans who live fully natural life, following nature’s evolving spirit/principle (in other words nature’s in-built wisdom), as the Homo sapiens did about 1.0 - 1.6 million years back and later as foresters and tribals?
                                        With popularity of literature based life, it became necessary to study books and other recorded things to learn basics and acquire knowledge and wisdom.Now turn to myths2 ( some are storehouses of ancient wisdom) to understand what the primitive people thought on fundamental questions on origin of life and humans. The myth of Adam and Eve says, Adam was the first man whom God the spirit created from soil or Earth as God’s son3 . Then God created Eve from a rib of Adam. So all succeeding humans are sons and daughters of Adam and Eve. Hence all their descendants are gods. In other words, all Homo sapiens sapiens– the first humans - are gods. Now it is simple to understand that God’s spirit (in theology) or nature’s spirit/principle of evolution (in science)are same.One is a product of myth and theologies and the other out of nature and scientific and objective thinking.Interpreting scientifically, this in-built principle of nature caused the evolution of the species Homo sapiens. See Indian myths of creation. The creator Brahma formed the first man Manu4. He was the first code-giver or who made the first code of conduct/life for humans. After long periods of time (saymillenniums and millenniums), a second code-giver (or manu) produced a new code of life. This was followed by many millenniums upto modern times. So all Homo sapiens sapiens are sons and daughters of first Manu – first son of Creator/God.(All Manus and Adam and Eve are termed archetypes in psychology and Sociology). Similarly there are dozens of creation myths from many regions of Earth4. Followers of these myths and mythologies, believe that they are descendants of their mythical father/mother. This belief, if practised relevantly and well, ensures unity and brotherhood, the spirit of evolution in social/familial life .
                                        As stated early, the foresters became tribals; from tribals evolved rural farmers, traders and craftsmen. Urbanites evolved out of villagers. During this long journey, somewhere some agriculturists who had a lot of time to think and muse, produced more literature, songs, dance, theologies, gods and heavens.These humans segregated into two groups, (1) organized and religious/worshipping groups called devs and ordinary (natural or professional) communities/groups called asurs. Thus Homo sapiens sapiens became bipolar due to their institutions and organizations (for dialectical reasons). This process of segregation and grouping continued with changes in learnings, works, incomes, habits etc., leading to more groups, societies and codes of life and continues now also. Now humans are divided into many nations and national groups, viz., Indians, Egyptians, Bolivians, Spanish etc.; then on the basis of habitats and culture, as Indian tribals, I. urbanites, I. goans, I. tamilians, I. biharis etc.; then on the basis of wealth and status as, I.upper class, I. middle class, I. working class, I.poor etc. There are some other types of humans also, based on professions, intellectual capacities and life styles , e.g., lawers, scientists, directors, actors, writers etc.Similarly in South Africa, Brazil, Russia, Indonasia and other nations also. With narrow and specialized ways of life, viz., regional, cultural, religious, professional, wealthy, poor etc., humans lost their universality or natural features (or Homo sapiens-ness). They became simply citizens, members, individuals, workers, managers, professionals, followers, good, bad, divine, devilish etc. Now there are no Homo sapiens sapiens, similar to the first sons and daughters of Nature/God. Presently, ordinarily and practically (or in reality), ‘godship’ is simply goodness – an ability to talk good, do good and live good and healthy life. Hence all naturally living (in harmony with nature like Adam and Eve ) human beings like foresters, many tribals and ruralists are gods. (See last sentence in second paragraph also.)
1. Names and Taxonomy, 2017; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homo#Names_and_taxonomy, (accessed on 5 April 2017).
2. Myths , 2015; www.atozofliving.org/myths/myths.htm (accessed on 10 April 2017).
3. Adam and Eve, 2017; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_and_Eve , (accessed on 5 April 2017).
4. List of creation myths, 2016; www.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_creation_myths , (accessed on 5 April 2017).
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