God is a believed or projected thing, idea, entity, deity, super-ordinary power/person etc. , due to prevailing myths, legends, stories, religious beliefs, deification etc. In reality in nature, an integrative drive exits in all living beings as an innate/inherent force or 'spirit of existence', e.g., spirit 'not-to-give-up living', drive to grow up and reproduce, spirit to live in unison with nature etc. (see spiritual life and integrative life in www.atozofliving.org/specialdirectory/glossary.html). This is considered or believed as 'god-given', by many . This genitical drive to go-on living individually and collectively is what caused evolution of different plants and animals. In human life, in organized societies/communities (e.g., religious groups), a god, god-head or head gets instituted through a constitution, charter of faith etc. Most basically, what is to be followed, respected or worshipped is nature with mighty energies and unknowns. This is what tribals practised millenniums back and practice now also out of natural instincts (see pantheism). Natural communities of plants and animals, originated, survived , flourished and are evolving by natural drives, instincts and social/communal living ways, without any literature, arts or gods for worship. The concept of god originated as a logical necessity for humans to remain united under a head or community father/mother when they evolved into 'logical worlds' of language, literature, myths, culture and freedom. Natural 'worlds' of animals and foresters are of communal/ bonded nature and their god is nature. (Also see 'gods', spiritual life, belief, honesty, ideology, integrity, mind, religious life, self, soul, pantheism, scientific life at www.atozofliving.org/specialdirectory/glossary.html ). |
Quotations on god | 1. He was a wise man who invented god. (Plato) This says that god was an invention of somebody who thought of keeping a society in control and united under a common ethereal father or mother. What happens when a believing society or group becomes mixes-up and dirty, with time, the believed god becomes devil or deity becomes evil. (See Spiritual Life, Religious Life and Integrative life, at www.atozofliving.org/specialdirectory/glossary.html ). |
2. No passion so effectively robs the mind of its powers of acting and reasoning as fear. (Edmund Burke) This is true in relation to 'belief in god' also, since punishments of god (also taught and believed) are severe, frightening, eternal etc. |
3. A true naturalist is in tune with nature, otherwise called god. (Anonymous) Most basically and physically, nature/Earth is god. This is the reason of worship of Earth, rivers, mountains etc. by naturally living tribals. Humans evolved from and with nature. (See Pantheism at www.atozofliving.org/specialdirectory/glossary.html ). |
4. When did I realize I was god? I was praying and suddenly realized, I was talking to myself. (P. O'Toole) This is very meaningful and ideas/myths exist that 'one's self is god', 'humans are gods since they originated from a common mythical father or mother, e.g., 'Adam', 'Manu', 'Kaang', 'Artemis', and many others from many cultures. |
5. The authority of those who teach is often an obstacle to those who want to learn. (Cicero) This is one reason for a true faith or religion becoming simply name's sake, symbolic, iconic,evil etc. |
6. Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds. (F.D.Roosevelt) If the mind is belief/faith/rituals centered, then mind becomes, as time passes, severely restrictive or negative due to practise of blind faith and rituals. |
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