( This is explanatory and supporting the many articles presented on this web site. This is a result of original
research and experiences. This forms the base for some research articles published elsewhere also. Select the words for study topicwise or subject-wise. Do not mix.
Abstracting  Abstracting is thinking deeply on a text, narration, article etc. extracting its net, thematic or fundamental content in a few ideas or sentences. As an example, a long research paper of 10 or 15 pages can be abstracted to 10 or 15 sentences . This is a way of consolidating or integrating the thinking faculty or intellect of thinkers, researchers, students etc. with a denser or deeper layer of ideas/text. For texts dealing with practical things, basics and fundamentals are at abstracting level and for basics and fundamentals, philosophy is at abstracting level. For philosophical things, metaphysical thinking is the abstracting level. If a person studies and understands a topic or article honestly, that person forms (or abstracts) the layers of fundamentals, philosophy etc. automatically. Experienced thinkers or experts can easily weigh or assess a long text from its abstract alone. Summarizing is not equivalent to abstracting

This happens automatically with living under care and protection from parents and adults in the case of foresters and forest animals . During acclimatization, animals get used to the background weathers and learns to protect themselves from extreme weathers. In urban situations, things like cold and hot weathers, low and high humidities and winds are controlled artificially or mechanically to various degrees.
Belief  An idea, piece of information, myth etc. accepted as a true thing without any proof or verification is a belief. 'God is omniscient ' is a belief. Many things taught in schools are blindly accepted or believed by young students as facts and true. This blind acceptance is due to ' teacher-student' relationships and social background. In nature living beings go by natural, instinctual and/or intelligent ways. Beliefs, rituals and similar things are to be limited to a corner of mind(of religious/faithful persons) for purposes of self-discipline and to avoide common ignorance and mess.
Capitalism Wealthy citizens and companies, wealthy societies and a wealthy nation together make a capitalist system. A capitalist system is omnivorous and consumerist and makes other nations simply nations of suppliers and markets. ( See ‘Modern Dynosaurs’ for more details). Concise Oxford Dictionary(9th ed.) defines capitalism as ‘ an economic system in which the production and distribution of goods depend on invested private capital and profit-making ’. Wealth generation and accumulation should be controlled by natural ethics (or natural, evolutionary principles) and relevant laws of social parity and balance. Gold/capital is god; this is the core/central point of capitalism, like god/theology is to a religion. Uncontrolled and consumerist mass productions and profiteering lead to wealth accumulations and capitalist nations. (See Limits of Wealth also). Nature manages ecosystems by the fundamental principle that ‘ to each as needs are, from each as capacities/abilities are’ (see Learn from Nature). This is applicable to human societies also.

Common sense 
Practices, sayings, morals, values, ideas, opinions etc. which are commonly or by all accepted as correct/senseful. This domain of intelligence/knowledge covers health care, family, morals, profession, environment etc. 'Common man' follow common sense

Concentration Concentration is a capacity of a person (or individual mind) to anchor (like a boat) to one’s fundamental/core level of mind which is stable, error-free and dependable. It seems the word originated from ‘cone’ and ‘centration’ (or core – centration). ‘Core’ and cone denote the central and deep part of a consolidated/structured cone shaped mind. (see Self and Soul in Glossary). This capacity is learned and acquired by disciplined and principled life. A disciplined person (see Self Discipline) needs ‘self monitoring and controlling’ to remain anchored to his/her correct and stable core-mind. Popularly this faculty of mind is called conscience (or science of cone). See ‘Integrative life’ and ‘Integrity’ in Glossary.


Dream  Dreaming is a consequence of working of a person's brain while sleeping disturbed, overloaded etc.. A person going to sleep with incomplete work or unprocessed data (in brain) can not stop brain's activities and sleep immediately. The unfinished work would go on till end or some solution is reached leading to sleep and the rubbish, noise etc. produced during bain's working get expressed as dreams. Ordinarily dreams are to be considered meaningless and rejected.

Ecosystem A large natural, environmental set-up or establishment (e.g., a forest) involving lands, different soils, weathers, streams and rivers, plants and animals. All micro and macro organisms coexist in same environment, enriching it in time. If humans are inhabitants, they are of fully natural type called foresters. All are ‘gatherers and/or hunters’ and hence nature-fed and nature- friendly. Soil types, rains, seasons, rivers, lakes, altitude, latitudes (eg., equatorial regions) are the main environmental parameters which control the biological characteristics of ecosystems. So there are riverine ecosystems, mountain ecosystems, coastal ecosystems and tropical ecosystems along and west of Western Ghats in India. All are not fully natural as stated above. Rural ecosystems are dominated by humans and their farms, houses etc. Rural life styles change environments to some extent , but not destructively or unsustainably as seen in urban areas (see urban life in Glossary). The Concise Oxford Dictionary (9th ed.) defines an ecosystem as “ a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment”. ( See natural life, instinctual life, and urban life in Glossary).

Evolution This is the process by which a complex or wonderful thing or system forms, grows or develops and establishes over long periods of time by energisations, formations, actions, reactions, interactions, mixing etc., of innumerable (or a large number of) materials, components or parts (e.g., planets, life, humans, agriculture, rural habitats, cities, railway networks etc.) Evolution is natural, integrative, systematic or scientific in different systems. Concise Oxford Dictionary (9th ed.) defines ‘evolve’ as, ‘ develop gradually by a natural process’. In many cases (e.g., life, cosmos), there are unknown components/aspects also.

Fundamental thinking   This can be called basic thinking also. Through this thinking process, a deeper (compared to ordinary or common thinking) layer of mind (or intellect) is formed (see abstracting also). In the case of an honest person, this layer of fundamentals forms automatically.

‘gods’/good humans    Natural and in-built ‘god’ is genome. Ordinarily and practically, ‘god’ is simply goodness – an ability to talk good, do good and live good and healthy life. Hence all naturally living (in harmony with nature) human beings like foresters, many tribals and many rural people are ‘gods’ (See Homo Sapiens Sapiens Were Gods ). In the worlds of modern learning, studies and living, ‘god’ is integrity and intelligence. In communal and social living, persons with integrity (see integrity in this Glossar) and/or goodness are‘gods’.

Habiitat Habits forming environments are the habitats of organisms, for example, colonies of ants and termites and their background nature. A multitude of organisms and their combined habitats form a very large habitats’ system or ecosystem

 Habits' making or habituating happens automatically in different backgrounds and habitats like forests, rural areas, cities etc. Habitualising happens naturally with living for animals and plants in wild habitats. Acclimatization and routinization are involved in habitualising and these are natural process for animals and plants.
Honesty  Honesty is the most fundamental value in all interactions and transactions and in lone-thinking. If a person is honest always or in all interactions and transactions, that person can be considered to be fully coherent and good. Animals who live instinctually in forests are all honest naturally or 'true to themselves'. In human groups, honesty is practically ignored or bypassed due to sectarian or biassed aims and policies. In humans all organs and systems have to work healthfully and honestly for integrative results. In living beings, healthy and integrative actions are honest also. Integrity, good health and honesty go together. Basically all human problems are due to dishonesty.
Idea  One unit of logic, thinking, reasoning, information etc. Hence forms the basic building block for information and intelligence like a brick in a wall. Concise Oxford Dictionary (C.O.D. 9-th ed.) defines an idea as a product of 'mental effort ; e.g.,a mental impression or notion, concept' etc. "That tree has fruits" ; expresses a specific idea. Ideas form out of words (e.g., tree, fruits) united together meaningfully and grammatically. Words contain unit/units of meaning or sense (see sense also) and form by uniting syllables. Syllables are formed out of alphabetic symbols.
Ideology The Concise Oxford Dictionary(9th ed.) defines ideology as ‘system of ideas’, ‘manner of thinking characteristic of a class or individual’ etc. The first definition is at fundamental level and the second at a class or individual level. So Marxist political ideology, a person’s ideology of life, governments ideology and programmes on urbanization etc. are correct. Tribalism, industrialism, urbanism etc. are proper coinages to specify different ideologies or ‘views and ways’ characteristic to different classes or persons. An ideology would deal with all aspects of a subject or a way of life in full width and depth , e.g., full life during different phases from birth to death (see spiritual life and integrative life). Urbanites due to their different ‘views and ways’ in relation to family, wealth, luxuries etc. fail to have an integrative and fully honest ideology of life. The only way to tame urbanites is by educating them with a ‘system of ideas’ or by administering them with an integrative ideology (see Green values also). This ideology should cover different phases of life, e.g., childhood, adulthood in different details, i.e., a student should be clear and certain about his/her youthhood values and ideals, but can be vague about family life or old age. Changes in a person’s profession, family status (e.g., marriage,), habitat (e.g., migration to a city), religion, nationality etc. would necessitate changes in ideological structure.
Impulse  An impulse in brain/mind is an ' in-pulse' due to neuronal or informational linkings during reading, talks, discussions, thinking etc. An impulse gets expressed as a response, reaction, ' yes-agreement' , 'no-disagreement', etc. Often they remain limited to the brain unexpressed or unnoticed. Strong impulses in brain ( e.g., of emotional nature) might come out as shouts, angry words or gestures, stressful expressions etc. in many situations. In deep thinking process, a deep impulse might get expressed as ' oh I got it' , 'my old hunch turns to be right', ' what Goldi told was right' or one more line in a diagram or write-up etc. A person of clean and clear mental discipline and concentration can feel the thinking process in the brain (e.g., ' I think I am nearing a solution', I think I should change this plan', ' I think I need a break' etc.). Impulses can be of different types and many ordinary persons spontaneously express all, whereas some others weigh and control their impulses. Concise Oxford Dictionary (9-th ed.) defines impulse as, (1) a wave of excitation in a nerve, (2) mental incitement, (3) a sudden desire or tendency to act without reflection .
Infinity  The Concise Oxford Dictionary (9th ed.) defines infinite as �boundless, endless, greater than any assignable quanity�. What is the absolute or only meaning of infinite is a question for studies. Here a quotation is very relevant, �my intellectual limits are my limits of knowing and limits of my universe�. So how much is �boundless� (physically) or �countless� (mathematically) is still tenable. The answer is in the quotation itself. Pose the question to a primary school student; the answer would be � very very big�. Pose it to a science graduate; the answer could be � greater than anything thinkable� . Pose it to a philosopher; the answer could be � it is an abstract word existing in thought/mind, not in matter�. So the Universe which is considered infinite is understood or conceived differently by different persons. The quotation stands correct. Different persons understand something or some amount from the word infinite, depending upon that person�s intellectual or thinking capacity. A theist might say, �God only is infinite� but �god� is only a myth or belief, so at first, a thought/idea/idiom. So meaning of infinity varies with different persons, hence it can be considered as a multidimensional word - abstract, elusive, intangible, personal etc.. (See Universe in this glossary also).
Information  Data, details, descriptions, ideas, thoughts, intelligence etc. available from a person, books, T.V., World Wide Web etc. Observations and ideas linked/united together form information. Information can be partial, incomplete, tentative or inconclusive . 'Information' and 'intelligence' are often used synonimously since clear differentiation is not always possible. But in this glossary information is graded to a lower level in the hierarchy of sense, idea, information, intelligence and knowledge. Information's sources are originally outside the brain in the background as objects of sensing, observing, listening etc. .
Instincts  Natural instincts are spontaneous inklings or internal promptings of an organism in natural (e.g. forests) environments. Include spontaneous reactions, responses, communications etc. of an organism to background stimuli. An instinctual reaction happens because an organism's senses are integrated with its brain and body. Instincts are comparable to programmed electro-mechanical reactions of an automatic machine to temperature or humidity changes. Humans and other animals react instinctually in rural and urban backgrounds also, but in the case of urbanites instincts are influenced by the planned, engineered and artificial urban background. See impulse also.
Instinctual life  A way of life dominated by instincts as seen in forests. This life style is fully natural and hence conditioned and influenced by natural forces like winds, rains, humidity, light, heat etc. and hence controlled by environment. Foresters who do not have any contact with outside worlds live instinctually and naturally. In this case, nature provides all necessities of life like food, water and shelter. Foresters, tribals, rural farmers, villagers etc., live natural types of life abiding by natural laws. Humans started generating/forming intelligence when they started using fire for cooking, spears for hunting, symbols for communicating etc.
Integrative life A person can be considered to be living wholly integratively (brahmic life) if that person is self-integrative (i.e., self centered or core-centered), integrated to environment (i.e., healthy environment) and integrated to society (i.e., well organized and healthy society). If society is conflict-ridden and disintegrative, one has to disassociate from many social activities to maintain integrity. Hence in integrative life, a person would be living, (1) honestly, (2) with good health, (3) balanced with nature and (4) balanced with society (i.e., healthy and well organized society). So forest lives are integrative since they are fully natural. Most or all tribals and many villagers live integrative lives. None of urbanites come in this group (see spiritual life also), due to their urban background and urban ways of life. All types of sensual (bhramic) lives and mixed-up lives are disintegrative to various degrees.

                      At present no religious person can be considered as fully integrative due to, (1) old or mythical beliefs and theologies, (2) rituals, (3) ‘goldist’ or wealth centered lives and (4) disintegrative or unhealthy society. Any old religion would have dozens of types of followers depending on habitats, livelihoods, works, education, wealth, life styles etc. Some can be living lost lives. Many preachers and ‘holy persons’ are for big and grandiose temples, churches etc., wealth, power and popularity. In this situation, the only right way is to ‘ mind-one’s-own –life’ by living an integrative life. Presently, when majority is welth centered, sensual, urban etc., this would require a ‘system of ideas’ (see ideology), integratively and knowledgeably formulated to suit one’s own health, values, wealth , family and environment.

Integrity This is a core or fundamental formation (or network) in brain which forms as a result of honest, healthy and integrative living. Through integrative living, one learns and forms deep layers in mind. These different layers and formations (neuronal) get networked and anchored to a core region of brain. This core is the integrity-formation of a mind/person. As it is a core-formation, it functions similar to the heal (calcaneus bone) of foot which firstly or primarily supports the whole body. The ordinary (or interactive and transactive) formations of mind function like toes and front part of foot with independence, flexibility and unity.
Intellect  The source region or faculty of thinking, intelligence and new ideas. (See intelligence below). Ideally intellect is a coherent and consolidated formation in brain of some permanency. This faculty forms with learning and practising/experiencing. Hence an intelligent person becomes an intellectual, not always since intellectuality needs practical experiences with one's learnings and intelligence. So a lawyer, scientist, writer etc. can be considered intellectuals. Agrees with C.O.D. (9-th ed.); 'the faculty of reasoning, knowing and thinking as distinct from feeling'. See 'mind' and 'thinking' also.
Intelligence  Expressions, ideas, concepts, theories, plans etc. of the mental faculty intellect. One has to become intelligent by learning from nature, others, books, T.V., World Wide Web, etc. Printed articles or other outputs of one person become sources of intelligence or learning materials for others. One definition in C.O.D. (9-th ed.) of intelligence is, 'archaic information in general; news'. Intelligence is usually considered as more coherent and/or consolidated than information. (See also 'information' )

Intelligent life  A way of life (e.g. urban life) wherein necessities of day-to-day life like food, water, dress, house, medicines etc. are made by oneself or bought/brought from suppliers or markets. This way of life proceeds from or supplements instinctual level of life. (See instinctual life also.) In urban situations, many devices and wears control or minimise the effects of heat, light, humidity, winds etc. Many types of energies and machines, all products of science and technology, speed up life and works in cities. Hence instinctual features of fully natural life are controlled, suppressed or curtailed. ( See urban life also. )

Intran  Abbreviation for ' interactions and transactions'. Plural can be 'intrans'. Very useful in describing behavioural aspects.

Knowing  Knowing involves many inputing/informing process like sensing & perceiving, thinking & understanding, conceptualizing, abstracting, philosophizing etc. Hence knowledge is the abstract or consolidation of many related ideas, intelligence, concepts etc. Intelligence/information which is absolute certainty is a piece of knowledge. So a student 'knows' addition & substraction, a philosopher 'knows' the philosophical aspects of life, a mother 'knows' her child. Hence, 'I have observed it', ' I have studied it', 'I am well informed about it', 'I am experienced in it', and 'I know it' are all different. An idea is surficial and one dimensional like a straight line; information and intelligence are two dimensional or cubical like a slice of mango whereas knowledge is cubical, consolidated and fully coherent like a full mango.

Learning  Learnings are inputs to the brain which are accepted by the intellect as senseful, right, correct, logical, significant etc. in sensing, talking, discussing, reading, experimenting etc. These can be ideas, intelligence, concepts, theories, observations etc. These inputs are sorted, arranged, grouped and organized to form the intellect or the intellectual faculty of brain. If these inputs are dishonestly or carelessly dealt with, no coherent information can be formed in brain. Indisciplined and disordered persons can have vague or uncertain ideas and blurred memories (or mismemories).

Materialism This is popularly misunderstood as atheism, nihilism etc. Concise Oxford Dictionary (9th ed.) defines materialism as ‘ the opinion that nothing exists but matters and its movements and modifications’ or ‘the doctrine that consciousness and will are wholly due to material agency’ . Science is fully based on ‘objective principles involving the systematized observations of and experiments with phenomena of the physical Universe’. Hence scientific pursuits and living are materialistic and substrated in the physical Universe. This is sufficient enough, since this takes into account mind, society and social organizations. Scientific studies have proved that mind or psyche is wholly structured or linked neuronally in brain. This supports the above conventional definition of materialism. The opposing theistic dotrine or view is ‘ creationism’ and is based on myths, beliefs or traditions. This serves the purpose of traditional living in organized communities. (See religious life and natural life in glossary). Except for this belief and related practices, life is fully dependent on nature, natural forces and natural resources (or altogether physical Universe). So physically and practically all are materialists. Materialism ( or any philosophy or belief) when it drifts away from nature, falls into the abyss of liberalism (see sensualism in glossary). (See modern dinosaurs for the present urban problems caused by liberal life).

Meditation Meditation is ‘medication-for-mind’. Medication of different kinds is needed when a person becomes physically sick/ill. Similarly is meditation, when a person becomes mentally ill, due to various disturbances, problems, tensions, confusion etc. In ordinary situations, prolonged mental strain, confusion, tension etc. can lead to some physical or bodily problems, e.g., pain in joints, head, neck etc., indigestion. Proper rest, food, sleep and life limited to indoors or peaceful places can restore both mental and physical health.If problems are of chronic nature or of mental origin, proper (in content and duration) meditation can solve them. Meditation means self-anchoring or self-consolidation of one’s mind (see Concentration, Integrity, Soul, Spiritual life in this Glossary). This needs concentration ,introspection by shutting down interactive inputing and outputing, prospective thinking or planninng, fundamental or philosophical thinking (or reading) on life, society, nature, God etc. (see Belief, Soul, Thinking & Thoughts in this Glossary). Concise Oxford Dictionary(9th ed.) defines meditation as, ‘exercise mind in contemplation, focus on a subject, plan mentally, design’. Modern life styles are mostly mixed-up or corrupted due to ‘fuzzy-mixing’ life styles and lead to inefficiency, problems, diseases and disintegration,especially in urban areas. Different types of meditations and self-consolidation can solve mental problems.

Metaphysical thinking   Philosophical thoughts and ideas are abstracted to a deeper layer of metaphysics in mind/intellect. (See abstracting also). Concise Oxford Dictionary (9th ed.) defines mataphysics as ‘ the theoretical philosophy of being and knowing’. Metaphysical layer can be called the ‘core’ of mind also (see self and soul). Mystics call this mystical thinking (or in other words, mystical practice).

Mind  Colloquially mind is what is 'meant' by a person about himself / herself. Fundamentally, mind is the faculty which deals with self-organization and learning. Hence mind is the logistics of a person and is substrated or stored in the brain. Practices and living make the learnings neuromuscular. Self-disciplining, self-management and self-monitoring and controlling are almost equivalent to self-organization. Evidently, this 'brain-formation' or faculty does not encompass the full brain. Self-organization faculty connects itself with other parts of brain like conscience, intellect and 'formations' dealing with beliefs, self-respect and honour, love, hatred, passion, kindness, braveness etc. All these 'formations' and faculties are meaningfully and coherently linked and organized in the brain with appropriate priorities and significances for time / periods, places, issues, costs, persons etc. for a conflictles mind. This is
self-organization or in other words, mental development . In the case of forest animals including a forester, self-organization is fully natural, in the sense, fully conditioned and controlled by natural forces and environment. The faculty which forms or develops naturally with growing up in fully natural forest environment is forest animal's mind (animal self-organization faculty or primitive mind ). This 'natural mind' develops with interactions and transactions with environment and other animals and does not involve learning from books like an urban youth. This is the most basic form of mind. In the case of a rural farmer who lives independenty with his own land , animals and farms, self-organization is mainly natural and significantly independent in comparison to an urbanite. An urbanite needs trainings/learnings and intelligence related to family, society, jobs, health care, shopping, living in multi-storey buildings, commuting, pollutions etc for self-organization and involves learnings from books, teachers etc.. Learning from books can lead to an voluminous and standardized intellect. So the term 'mind' includes intellect , SEMOCOF ( self monitoring and controlling faculty ) and ' intrans formation'( or intrans memory) - a surficial, flexible, volatile part of mind for day-to-day interactions and transactions. See also 'intellect', 'learning' and 'knowing'.

Naturalism Naturalism is defined as ‘a theory of the world that excludes the supernatural or spiritual ‘ (Concise Oxford Dictionary, 9 th ed.). The same dictionary defines supernatural as ‘ some force above the laws of nature; magical, occult and mystical ’ and spiritual as ‘ concerning the spirit as opposed to matter’ (or body in humans). The funny thing is that there is nothing supernatural in nature ; all things which exist in nature are natural or natural matters and energies. Magicians, occultists and mystics can do some extraordinary (not supernatural) things which can baffle ordinary persons and cause submissiveness or fear. They cause this by making use of prevailing misunderstandings , psychosis or fear in society around god, occultists, mystics etc. Similarly there is nothing ethereal or mystical about ‘spiritual’ . It is simply the ‘spirit of life‘ or fundamental principles of life which are in-built in living beings in their genome and in their natural communities. This in-built and unknown (about 200-300 years back) spirit was mystified, imaged and worshipped as spirit, god etc. (See spiritual life in glossary). So naturalism is simply ‘natural, integrative and intelligent ways ‘ in all regimes of life and in all habitats.

Natural life These are living ways which follow natural process and laws, resulting in evolutionary lives. All instinctual lives (or animal lives), tribal lives, rural lives and many urban lives fall in this group. (See instinctual life and intelligent life). Foresters and rural people are driven by natural resources and their sustainable uses. Hence their lives are intimately coupled to nature and environments. Many types of urban lives are antinatural and degenerative, due to misuses of different types of energies , machines and manufacturing process . (See urban life also.)

Ordinary person  A normally interacting and transacting person. Education, training and disciplining within family and society contribute a lot to normal development and behaviour.

Pantheism Definition of pantheism in the Concise Oxford Dictionay (9th ed.) is, ‘ the belief that God is identifiable with the forces of nature and with natural substances’. This was perhaps coined in 1200 A.D. or 1500 A.D. The date of origin is of no significance here; it is simple to understand that pantheistic practices were (are) a natural consequence of life styles , myths and beliefs of people who lived(live) fully natural lives. Identifying god with nature or natural forces was (is) a narrowly localized belief, limited to a tribe or similar group. (So is it not fully correct to identify god as nature itself with all her known and unknown forces). Since the foresters and tribals were (are) living in natural ways, their awe and wonders about nature, distant Sun and stars got imprinted in their primitive minds, causing various pantheistic practices like worshipping Sun, Earth, mountains etc. Pantheism is same in its essence as naturalism, since both modern naturalists and pantheistic tribals live natural life styles. Both benefit nature as a whole and natural, evolving ways of life. What was (is) wrong in seeing and identifying the unknown and awesome with powerful forces of nature, like storms, lightning etc.? What is wrong, if a farmer visualizes or symbolizes his ‘bread-giver’ as a benevolent power of Earth or Earth herself? The wonderful thing about pantheistic practices is that it suffices all primitive spiritual and intellectual needs! Natural life styles and respect for nature are enough for a person to identify oneself ( one’s origin, survival, end etc. ) with nature.

Philosophical thinking This can be called philosophising also (see abstracting). For a student of philosophy or for a philosopher, this mode of thinking is used to and is an easy process. ( See Concise Oxford Dictionary, 9th ed. also). Metaphysical thinking comes as next deeper layer.

Plutocracy : The rule by the rich and powerful or the top class and their supporters is called plutocracy. The Concise Oxford Dictionary (9th ed.) defines it as the 'government by the wealthy'. As the ruling class becomes the rich and influencial section of the society, how many ways they can manipulate or outmanoeuvre the political and administrative process is anybody's guess. This becomes very common when rules are misinterpreted to suit situations and persons. See "Well, Mis, Ill" '(' for different types of situations. In popular democratic backgrounds ('one man - one vote' democracy), the government and administrative set-up would remain the same or basically the same, when social changes take place. When the ruling class changes (e.g., conservative to liberals), constitution, society and administrative ways would remain the same. Only outward and popular changes can take place normally. (Revolutionary situations and changes are rare). 'One man - one vote' popular democracy is a product of decades of popular democratic decay. Ideally democracy would work well when citizens are law abiding, responsible and disciplined. The citizens are to be well aware of the duties and responsibilities of a citizen in the national society. In India, on an average, only about 55 to 60% of the eligible citizens vote. The remaining about 45% are like social outcasts, and they remain a minority.

Religion A constituted, instituted organization for spiritual, religious and moral purposes for benefits of members, families and different groups or communities. The constitution can be based on myths, beliefs or articles of faith (see also spiritual life, religious life and natural life). Since the constitution is based on myths, beliefs or faith, any type of forcing by rituals, traditional practices etc. on matured/adult individuals/members is wrong (see belief in Glossary). Religious life should be out of free will of matured persons. (children are to be brought up by parents or adults, naturally ). Religion’s role in public/social domains are best-decided by public, through governments, educationists, intelligentsia, media, popular voices etc.

Religious life An instituted and organized way of life with a head/ high priest and organizer who teaches and/or administers the theology, rituals, morals etc. The doctrines and teachings of a religion (dharma/dharm) normally cover all aspects of life, viz., family, livelihood, profession, society and nature. Religious lives are communal in nature. A religious community comprises of three types of people, viz., a doctrinaire core group, a sect of communal ordinary people and free/loose peripheral people. Religious life styles are primarily natural/instinctual and would tend to be close to rural or agricultural ways of life. Many urban religious persons fall in peripheral type. Religios life needs a personal spiritual corner (in mind) and self discipline for success. In the absence of positive attitudes and natural values, religious life would degenerate into ritualism, fanaticism, greed and sensualism.

Research  Using/exercising the intellect/mind for generating/forming new ideas, concepts, models, theories etc. or for solving intellectual problems. Research is a specialized mental activity or brain work which needs prior learnings, studies, trainings etc. Since research involves new studies, solving problems, experiments etc., there is scope for errors, guesses, guesstimates, tentative conclusions, propositions, trial and error methods etc. Research involves search or restudy of published results.

Routinization Making routines (courses or permanent ways) of activities in day-to-day life within a house or outside in eating, hunting, exercising, commuting, working etc. In the case of forest animals, communal living is the natural way of acquiring routines and habits of preying, sleeping etc. A routine can have many component actions leading to a useful product or successful efforts (e.g., foods, preying). A routine would have a neuronal ‘routing’ in the brain due to repeated actions and resulting learning. Hence routinization involves neuronal networking and learning.

Rubbishings  See strayings(below) first. If strayings continue they can grow into rubbishing. Rubbishing can increase due to unsolved issues, problems or emotional things in the thinking background. These are like wastes generated by a carpenter while cutting, drilling, chiseling, etc. and these can cause tension and hinder smooth working and living, if not cleaned or cared properly. During emotional or strained discussions, some burst out in rubbish talks due to accumulated rubbishings. In lone-thinking, studying etc. rubbish in working mind can cause worries, tension, anger etc. 'Do not talk rubbish' and 'no nonsense' can filter all rubbishings.

Scientific life Science is defined as ‘systematic and formulated knowledge of a specified type or on a specified subject’ in Concise Oxford Dictionary(9th ed.). So scientific life has to be systematic and formulated (or logical) life, taking into consideration, nature, natural resources, family, society and social organizations of merit. Hence, in tribal and rural areas people are tuned to natural or agricultural life styles. Humans lived naturally and scientifically(in the sense intelligently) upto the stage of rural, agricultural lives. In urban living (see urban life in glossary) also humans were largely nature based, sustainable and scientific. But things started going wrong and destructive to nature with mass manufacturing, industrial pollutions, liberalism and consumerism. (See Modern Dynosaurs ). Present global problems can be solved by living integratively with nature. See ‘scientific life’ for fundamentals of integrative life.

Self  Myself is meant for self reference to the person himself or herself. Self alone means 'individuality' , 'essence', core, soul, etc. Hence my self means 'my essence or core', 'my individuality, my knowledge (see knowing also) etc. and this ordinarily is mind. Mind is substrated in brain neuronally and is not visible. See mind also.

Self-Discipline/Self-anchoring  Self-anchoring, self-disciplining, self-organising and self-managing come under one title, �self-monitoring and controlling� capacity of a person. This ability of mind/person is directly related to the main faculty of mind, �intellect� that is of deep and core nature. Day-to-day interactions and tranctions take place under constant internal watch of self-monitorng and controlling faculty (SEMOCOF) and this faculty (or sub-faculty of intellect) is directly linked/related to the core learnings or intellect (see �Intellect� in this Glossary). So self-anchoring plays a vital role in day-to-day life for any independently and integratively living person. (Dependent persons anchor, to various degrees, to others like parents, seniors, teachers, employers etc.). Self-disciplined persons live integratively and develop strong integrity. Self-anchoring can be compared to anchoring of a boat in the coastal sea. An anchored boat remains positioned and nondrifting around its anchor, let waves roll past, winds blow strong or light or currents flow this way or that way. Similarly a self-disciplined person lives and behaves with anchored mind, to its core values, in thinking, planning, working and living. Read the quotation by Corrie Ten Boom, � the tree on the mountain takes whatever the weather brings. If it has any choice at all, it is in putting down roots as deeply as possible� . Similarly an anchored person, independent and individualistic, face all types of persons and problems with deep roots or anchoring to that person�s learnings and core values. (See � Integrative life� in this Glossary,�Self-discipline� and �Quotations on life and living� for more details.).

Sense  One unit of 'meaning'. Simple words (e.g., he, that) contain one unit of sense. Compound words contain two or more units of senses(e.g., egalitarian, sustainability). (See word also.)

Sense organs These are special organs of humans and other animals for inputing sensations caused by lights, sounds, odours, foods, drinks etc., touches/contacts and heat into the brain. In humans they are, eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin with sensors of touch/pressure and heat. These organs are complex and sensitive. Incident signals of light falling in eyes, stimulate receptor cells in eyes called photoreceptors and cause different sensations depending on organism’s specialities of eyes. Similarly other sense organs alsofunction with different types of receptors. Pain receptors are found in skin and internal parts of body. Proprioceptors are found in tendons, muscles and joints for overall body balancing and movements. Sensitivities of different sense organs of various persons and animals differ, depending on tolerances and backgrounds.Input sensations are processed and interpreted by organisms, according to their brain and learned filters. These cause different responses (e.g., sounds of fear, anger), reactions (a hello, smile, patting etc.) and otherinteractive things. Hence sense organs (mainly eyes and ears in humans), sense, connect, align, resent/repel organisms. Once alignment is established communications and other actions follow.

           Humans have special mental senses acquired through learnings and practices. For example, the quality ‘insight’ points to a speciality of mind. Similarly all mental qualities named by suffixing ‘ness’ (e.g., smartness, goodness, sense of beauty etc.). These superficial neuronal formations in brain (or shallow qualities)are called insights also.Special mental senses can form by observing, learning and practice of special things. A music teacher’s special ability to grade singers and a tea taster’s ability to grade different varieties of teas are examples.

Sensing and perceiving  Inputing of signals by sense organs like eyes, ears etc. is sensing. Sense organs have inbuilt capacities to convert signals from outside of light, sound, heat etc. into stimuli depending on the sensitivity of the sense organs. These stimuli pass through filters called perspectives and generate percepts.The process of forming percepts out of signals or stimuli is called perceiving. Percepts normally form impressions or ideas. (See idea and sense also) Sensitivities of sense organs depend on health, interests, likes, life styles etc.

Sensualism A view or life style that is embedded in sensual regime of life, involving the senses, sensual experiences and related practices. Since integrative, disciplined and moral lives are embedded in nature, family and society in various ways, they are all okay in social ways of living. But sensusl life and sensualism are for pleasures of food, drinks, cuisines, carnal sex, other carnal enjoyments and possessions (for show, power, greed etc.). A sure norm for identifying a sensual or carnal thing is, ‘anything in excess is like poison’ (see figures 1 and 2 in Scientific Life). Sensualism is often misunderstood as a product of materialism or atheism. If atheists and materialists (see materialism in glossary) are disciplined, familial and social, they are not disintegrative or immorl, but part of social–diversity like bio-diversity in nature. Liberal and/or wealthy backgrounds or life can cause sensual views and life styles.

Sleep  'I feel sleepy' is a normal way of expressing one's need to sleep . The urgent need is to lie down, because the brain or some part of brain is tired or exhausted. During normal or regular working many become strained, tired, exhausted etc., and then one needs to rest and relax. At night when a person is sleepy, that person needs to lie down to rest the whole body and as a consequence, to rest and relax the whole brain, the organizing, monitoring and controlling system of a living organism. So 'to feel sleepy' means the brain needs rest. During sleep the brain and other parts of body rest and recoup their efficiency and efficacy.

Socialize Many interactions and transactions (or intrans) take place during gatherings of persons from different families and professions with different wealth backgrounds. Social gatherings help to exchange or mix various things like customs, ideas etc. Gatherings and communications cause, to a certain extent, public evaluations and sorting. This leads to acceptance or rejection of various practices and styles.

Soul  Sole idea, concept, belief etc. around which a person's ideology/consciense/mind can be formed or developed like a conical beam of light from a torch. ' Be honest always' can be an idea centred around which a person can develop a 'soul' in mind through regular practices and honest living. As time passes, the 'soul-formation' in brain acquires depth, width, consolidation and permanency. Religiously or otherwise, it is believed by many that soul is the inner most part of mind where God resides in a person.

Sound  Noise, voice etc. produced by any source and audible to ears. Symbolised sounds form the alphabet of a language. Alphabets have vowels, consonants and syllables as units of sound. Words are formed by one or more syllables.

Spiritual life The Concise Oxford Dictionary (9th ed.) defines spiritual as ‘concerning the spirit as opposed to matter ’ (or body). The same dictionary defines spirit as ‘vital animating essence of a person or animal’ (i.e., life and its whollistic continuity); ‘the intelligent nonphysical part of a person’ ( ie., mind or knowledge); ‘a person’s mental or moral nature or qualities’(i.e., intelligence, morals and pinciples) etc. In relation to different types of lives the ‘spirit’ or ‘vital animating essence’ is safety and continuity of life for full life and for generations to come. (In other words live evolvingly.). Hence human bings are to follow the spirit of nature, i.e., evolution; spirit of human life, (i.e., integrative life within oneself and environment) and spirit of social life (i.e., integrative life with community or social evironment). (Disassociate with those social practices which are unhealthy, dishonest and dsintegrative.) Presently, none of these spirits (or institutions organized for ordinary life with values) are followed by most or all urbanites and many villagers. ( The proof lies in the fact that none of the urbanites are fully healthy, i.e., mentally, physically and socially). Many villagers and tribals follow the spirit of nature through their natural ways of life. Spiritual life is possible only if, the values and principles of life as a whole and in phases are followed , viz., in childhood, in youthhood, in family life, in retiring life and in merging –with-nature. Forest animals and plants live fully spiritual lives (i.e., evolving lives), since they are totally natural in all phases of life. There is no scope for dishonesty, unhealthy practices, wealth accumulation, family conflicts and social disparities and violence in spiritual ways of life.

Strayings  These are weak brain sensations (often go unnoticed or ignored) due to uncertain or sray neuronal linking or activity during sensing and perceiving, talking, thinking, idling etc. These stray, passing impulses/impressions are normally ignored by a person, but sometimes can cause expressions of nonsense like stray words, avoidance or distractive actions etc. Strayings can be compared to fluttering of leaves or disturbing noise from a radio.

Syllables  Units of sound which are formed out of alphabetic symbols(vowels and consonants). C.O.D.(9-th ed.) defines syllable as 'a unit of pronounciation uttered without interruption, forming the whole or a part of a word' .

Thinking  A quality or ability of intellect/mind (or person). Ideally intellect (see intellect also) ia a coherent and consolidated formation of stable and/or long-term some permanency in the brain. Hence coherent thinking by a person causes meaningful thoughts, ideas, expressions etc. and their meaningful recordings or writings to the brain called understandings. Mixed-up thinking and living (or 'mixing' as opposite to clean thinking and living) causes misunderstandings, fuzz, mistakes, errors, shabby expressions and writings etc. Scientifically, thinking can be defined as 'logical operations' performed in the brain or intellect, following established rules/criteria and basic learnings [e.g., (1+10) - 5 = 6 is a piece of mathematical logic]. Similarly, 'be honest' and 'do not kill' are socially established pieces of logic or morals in day-to-day living. Comparing, associating, relating, reasoning etc. are common thinking methods. Comparison seems to be the most common logical operation, often done subconsciously. In the same way as words are united together meaningfully and grammatically to form ideas, ideas are to be united/aligned meaningfully and logically to generate intelligence. This is done by the intellect. 'Mixing' or mis-thinking is oposite of thinking and many colloquial communications, guessing, fussing, daydreaming, imaginations, chatting etc. involve mixing of different degrees. 'Exercise the mind positively with one's ideas etc.' (C.O.D., 9-th ed.) is a very generalised definition of thinking' which includes many of the above details.

Thoughts   These are inputs/impressions of different types (positive, negative, good, bad, right, wrong etc.) in mind as a result of sensings, interactions, transactions, thinking, readings and other experiences (see thinking also). The mind reasons out (or filters) the thoughts/impressions according to learned and practiced values /morals and conscience/ intellect of a person to form ideas, understandings, opinions, concepts etc. of some steadiness and permanency (or coherency). A person’s confusion, bias etc. can affect the filtering process. These are further weighed, abstracted, categorized etc. according to the deep and basic (or fundamental) constitution of mind (see abstracting also).

Traditionise   Traditionisation happens when some habits or practices are accepted and practised by many for long periods, e.g., family members, group of farmers, villagers. Some habits of parents are copied by children. These as time passes, can become family traditions. Some professional practices get copied by others or colleagues and they might become work traditions. Over long periods with changes of livelihood, profession, wealth etc. many traditions become out of place and outdated. Many native people are traditionists. They build their houses in traditional ways, wear traditional dresses, eat traditional foods etc.

Universe   Universe can be symbolished by the letter �U� (Current Science vol. 109(2), 2171-2172). Universe is not known or modelled fully, but by cosmos and chaos together. Cosmos is formed and organized out of matters (atoms,cells, stars, galaxies etc.) and energies. Chaos consists of unorganized particles, plasma and energies and unknown things. ( Current Science vol.109(2), 2171 � 2172). The infinite Universe is conceived or modelled by scientists or wise through long term studies and research and is considered infinite. It is conceived or understood by ordinary persons (e.g., a farmer, a tribal) by watching (and wondering on) the sky with countless stars or sky and lands from top of a mountain. The quotation � my intellectual limits are my limits of knowing and limits of my universe� stands correct. Omnipresent, omnipotent, eternal and infinite are applicable only to the infinite Universe which is unknown in some or many respects(see infinity in this glossary also).
Urban life   All or majority of urbanites live in non-natural (see natural life) ways, using processed foods, package-water, clothes made of artificial fibres, houses made of steel, concrete and glass ,television, radio etc. for entertainment, phones and internet for communications etc. Urbanites live in engineered and modified habitats of tall buildings, wide and congested roads, fast trains, crowded markets etc. Hence urban habitat is almost fully artificial. These large changes in environments and life styles are brought about by products of science and technology (see intelligent life). Many urban areas are thickly populated , highly polluted and unhealthy. (Read Green Values for solutions). All problems of urbanites and environments are caused by misuses of science and technology. Urban life also can become natural like those of rural people, but driven by science and technology, if nature-friendly technologies are used.

Word  Words are formed out of one or more syllables(e.g., a, he, me, hard, philosophical) and contain sense or senses (see sense also).

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