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                              1.   Photograph reproduced (with permission) in the page of  'Quotations on family and children'  from the
                                     web site    is by Erica Scott .
                              2.    Photograph reproduced (under GNU free documentation license) in the page of 'Quotations on
                                     nations and politicians'  is from the web site

                              3.    Clip-arts by Tony Martin reproduced in the page ' funwithwords.html' are from the web site  

                              4.    Clip-arts of flamingo, penguin and rats-on-rope  in the page ' funwithwords.html' are from the web site  www.  

                              5.    Picture of lion in the page  ' learnfromnature.html'  is reproduced from   and is only a  
                                     low  resolution free sample image.  

  Photograph by Chris Stone in the home page is reproduced with permission and  is  from the
                                     web site      .

                              7.   Photograph reproduced (free for reproduction) in the page of  wealth.html  is from the
                                     web site     .

                              8.    Photographs reproduced(with permission)  in the page of  Learnings and Intelligence    are from the  web site

                              9.    Photograph (copyright, D.Rai Sharma) reproduced (with permission)  in the page  'wealth groups'    is from the  web                                      site . 

                              8.    Photographs reproduced (with permission)  in the page of  Learnings and Intelligence   are from the  web site