Presently, ' to become rich by any
means' has perhaps become a craze or mad pursuit, especially in cities.
uncontrolled clamour for riches, modern comforts and pleasures are driving
urbanites, in special, to extremes of hard work, stress,
illegal activities etc. Undoubtably money, job, land etc. are needed for
safe living with securities of house, food, education and medical
care. But controversies exist on, (1) how much one should earn or possess,
(2) how many in a city or village can aspire to be rich, and
(3) how can this popular aspiration for
riches and luxuries be controlled by governments. These questions are of
high importance in any
society or country and many nations are divided on these points.
the page ' learn from nature' it is shown that, 'different
private properties and possessions and methods of acquiring
and managing them' are the primary causes behind evolution of different
habitats from forests to urban areas. In forests private
properties are practically nil. All are fed by nature and subjected to the
vagaries of weathers. In rural areas, farming, rearing,trading etc.
prevail and people are organized into families and other groups on the basis
of occupations and possessions. In cities situations
change very much in relation to types of jobs, properties,trades, services,
incomes, accumulation of riches, pleasures etc.
types of private properties, riches, shares, bonds and other possessions
make many citizens wealthy. Once rich or
brought up in riches, the views,ways and aspirations of persons change.
They make many walls (familial,behavioural and social)
around themselves. Next follow walls of law and security forces. Some
walls or security forces become an administrative necessity
since accumulation of riches causes social unevenness. (See the photograph
for glaring contrasts.) The most fundamental aspect of wealth
is that, some sort of organization, group work and monitoring is necessary
in any type of wealth generation activities, in farms, buildings,
factories etc. Take a village; a landless farmer
strives for a livelihood. His only chance of acquiring land or farms is
by having many
workers (mainly sons and daughters) in his house organized well to earn
and save. The rich farmer has vast areas of fertile lands. He
employs many workers in his farms. He trades his farm produts for profits.
Thus he grows richer. The rich village trader has helpers to
buy, sell, stock etc. The rich farmer and trader are organized for more
profits and riches. The situations are same in cities, except for big
crowds, super markets, numerous jobs, many opportunities etc.. Hence accumulation
of possessions or wealths is always associated
with group work and its management. The situation becomes very complex
and costly in the cases of industries and their townships
involving thousands of employees. Presently some of the big industries have
become centers of pollutions and over-productions
leading to consumerism. Consumerism leads to misuse and waste on a mass
basis. Some estimates say that present global
consumption level is about 40% in excess of sustainable limits and this
is increasing alarmingly. Is there any need for a factory which
produces cars to work in shifts and then arrange loan schemes for buyers?
So companies and industrial productions
and profits
should be controlled taking into account sustainability and social integrity.
Then why many governments
are ineffective against
over-productions, pollutions and consumerism? What are the limits of growth
and wealths?
The answers
at fundamental levels are, (1) governments' policies and programmes are
not based on sustainability
and social integrity, (2) health care comes second to freedom, not the first,
(3) polluting or destroying atmosphere, lands,rivers and seas
are not controlled and stopped and (4) wealth generations and accumulations
are not controlled taking into consideration social
evenness and order and sustainability.
It is stated above that human social
evolution from forests to cities is only a journey with different types
of professions,
possessions and properties and organizations to accumulate various profits
and riches. Upto village levels, with predominance of
agriculture, social and environmental changes were smooth and healthy. With
the prolifeation of science and technology, wealth
generations and accumulations became huge and corrupt and out of any social
control. (Click here for 'green life' for more on urban
mess.) So monitoring and controlling generations,
accumulations, and distributions of wealths are unavoidable in any nation
or system.
Hence the primary function of a government is to monitor and control
wealth generations and accumulations taking into consideration,
natural resources, human resources, public health and environment,
social evenness and order and overall welfare. So what are the
ways of controlling wealths at personal, social and governmental levels?
(1) Do not accumulate
wealth beyond one's needs, considering life-long needs also. One natural
norm (see 'learn from
nature' for details)
is, "to each as individual needs are and from each as abilities allow".
(2) Do not allow weath to be inherited spoiling inheritor's
merits and values. (Click here for 'green values'.)
(3) One sure limit of personal
wealth is, ' what could be acquired honestly maintaining good health'.
(4) Freedom is not the first thing but health is, at personal,social
and national levels.
(5) Organizations of wealth generation, from farms to
factories (e.g., big farms, financiers, companies), should be based on
sustainability and
they have to uphold natural values(e.g., environmental health), human rights
and laws of the land.
* (6) Social and governmental controls of wealth generations
and accumulations should be in force in villages and cities,
especially for
multinational companies.
(7) Scientific and technological research by private and
government agencies should be monitored and controlled by
ethics/basic values
committees of knowledgeable/competent citizens. ( It is well known
that unethical/uncontrolled
applications of scientific
research and profiteering led to the present mess of consumerism, pollutions
and destructions).
# (8) Technological innovations and changes (e.g., new models) should
be screened by committees of ethics/basic values, for
pace of change, profiteering by companies and waste of raw materials/natural
(9) Governments should not encourage or aid organized
luxury. Individuals' luxuries should be controlled and taxed taking into
social evenness.
(10) Self-destructive or disintegrative
pleasures should be discouraged and barred. ( 'Right to life' is an inalienable
right and
hence governments can not
encourage self-destruction.)
When marxists and socialists implemented, decades back, social
or state controls at government
on wealth generation and accumulation, it was
basically a transliteration of natural
and controls existed at ecosystem level.
For example, if the increase in number of cars in New Delhi, as now,
were to happen in 200
not in the last about 50 years, the emissions etc. might have gone absorbed
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