VALUES (Natural Ethics) |
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Somewhere in this web site (Learn From Nature, last paragraph) it is stated that " as humans progressed from forests to cities, they lost evolutionary qualities, natural values, healthy environments and social evenness and order " . Out of these four, evolutionary qualities and healthy environments stand to be restored first for recouping all the lost qualities. ( See GREEN LIFE for some restoration methods.) In the same page ' learn from nature' I showed that in forests, animals and plants coexist evolvingly with no over-exploitation, misuse and waste. Hence, in the present situations of environmental and resources' collapse, humans have to follow a set of natural or fundamental values for self-discipline and to maintain balance with environment and society, irrespective of their nationalities, cultures and religions. What are these fundamental principles or values? |
* Out of these twelve fundamental principles and values, the sixth one needs to be elaborated first. This one deals with integrity, self-discipline, values, morals, virtues etc. A person's values and virtues are a result of that person's innate qualities, beliefs, traditions, learnings and practises. Regarding innate qualities and traits of a child, there is no escape from them. Parents have to accept them and nurture or 'nip in the bud'. Some beliefs and traditions get into the young minds by group living (in family and society) without any conscious effort. Some are taught by belief- groups and religions. These beliefs might grow stronger or die out depending on further learnings and education in future. Through learnings and practises one can change one's beliefs and habits. Hence ideals, ideology, conscience, character etc. are of high importance for all, tribals, villagers and urbanites. So safeguard INTEGRITY. + Because families living interactively and unitedly form societies. Living socially might not be possible now in many rural or urban situations due to destruction of social evenness and order, resulting from economic disparities, poverty and corruption. When life styles of different sections of people differ widely, social unity and tolerance break down, causing conflicts, militancy etc. In the case of foresters, their whole lives are controlled by environments and weathers. For majority of rural people the main controlling factors are environment, professions like farming, trading etc., belief-groups, religions and traditions. (See 'learn from nature' for more details.) In urban situations modern ways of life prevail, controlled by scientific and technological discoveries and products. Urban life styles spoil almost everything (in comparison to rural ways), natural instincts, health and virtues. In these circumstances, principles and values stand to become vague and ineffective for the sake of profits, pleasures etc. These urban conditions have to change enabling people to live green lives. Click here for GREEN LIFE. ~ One basic reason for the present urban over-exploitation, cosumerism and waste is unlimited or uncontrolled accumulation of wealth and resulting decaying life styles. In the name of freedom, development and pleasures many cultures are disintegrating now. Earth's resources are being over-exploited and consumed wastefully to maintain disintegrating life styles. Different types of wealths and different ways of their generation, accumulation and management are shown to be the fundamental factors which gave rise to different professions, societies and social strata in the page 'Learn from nature'. # (See 'green life' for a definition of natural life). Natural instincts and fully natural lives, as in forests, go together. In forests lives are conditioned fully by weathers and environment. In urban areas also lives are conditioned by environments, but artificial and highly modified. Hence urbanites can be biased and destructive to environment and nature's evolving process. In urban situations, fully natural lives are, at present, impossible; hence adopt natural life styles to the extent possible. ^ In the existing situations in many nations, peaceful solutions can be hard to find out. Leaving others' (families to nations) internal problems or fights to themselves is one way to arrive at lasting solutions. ( Nos. 1 and 2 deal with natural, healthy life protecting good instincts. Nos. 3, 4 and 5 deal with working, earnings and transmission of wealth. 6 and 7 deal with character, values, integrity, self-discipline etc. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 are about social living, tensions, conflicts, problems, solutions etc.) Contact Site Map Home |