( in
Green Life ) on this web site, it is stated that ‘green cities’
and ‘green life’ are the solutions for all present problems
caused by population increase, industrialization, pollutions, climate
change, erratic weathers etc. Some methods of actions are highlighted
. These solutions are mainly at government and administrative levels.
At individuals’ level citizens have to nurture integrity, good
health, honesty ,order etc. in day-to-day life. After narrating ( in
Learn From Nature) fundamental qualities of natural life, 12 natural
values (in
Green Values) were stated for all humans, including urbans. But
what are the present situations in many urban areas? Many urban areas
have changed much with industries, pollutions, consumerism etc., so
that no natural and healthy ways of life can be lived. |
first of the 12 green values. ‘Live naturally
to the extent possible in environment friendly ways’. The
cities ‘de-evolved’ as a result of misuses of technology,
causing pollutions, mass productions for profiteering, consumerism etc
(see appendix also). Most essential things needed for healthy and environment
friendly living are, (1) many open spaces, gardens etc., (2) industries
without pollutions, (3) clean transport systems and (4) ordered society
without corruption. Many urban areas do not have any or many of these
baseline conditions. Healthy life has become ‘dream-like’.
Consider the fourth green value. ‘Do not
accumulate wealth beyond one’s needs’. Presenly many
urban areas are places wherein anybody can try to make any amount of
wealth in any way! All are hurrying or mad/bad after money, jobs, stocks,
shares etc. All governments are mis-governments and failures, in one
way or other. Urbanization, industrialization and consumerism together
have become the modern ‘DYNOSAURS’
(see last paragraph for sixth extinction) which swallow most of natural
and human resources. Independent and self-sufficient rural people have
become submissive to urbanism, making them service providers, suppliers
and servants. |
is shown in ‘green
life’ that public health should be the first priority of governments
for ensuring balanced national growth. Presently, many or all governments
give more importance to industrialization (any type including polluting)
and urbanization for icreasing GDP and consumption. Urbanization and
population increase have become unwieldly and threaten to weaken and
destroy rural, agricultural lives and green habitats. The rich and powerful
citizens and their various establishments influence and control politicians
and government policies in many right and wrong ways. For example, about
100 years back, India was ruled by foreign colonialists whereas now,
India is ruled by rich, urban Indians who want to make the resourceful
rural areas their colonies with mines and factories. What happens to
the rural people, farms and agriculture? The large number of suicides
reported among farmers are due to sickening influences of urbanization.
present more than 50% of global population live in urban and semiurban
areas and follow urban ‘views and ways’ or life styles.
It is an alarming situation. It is necessary to reduce the rate of urbanization
and pollution to ensure health of environments and people. But rich
and powerful governments have decided to let the atmosphere warm by
2.0C or more – a step not justified by any scientific , healthcare
and environmental principles, but only by greed, consumerism and luxuries.The
billions who suffer due to climate changes, droughts, storms, famines,
diseases etc. are not taken into consideration. It was a decision taken
by representatives of nations for benefits of their rich citizens and
industrial establishments ! |
is the most fundamental reason for aforesaid serious problems of modern
cities? To my basic thinking, it is misuse or
abuse of science and technology by rich persons, industrialists and
governments. Look back a little to see what were the situations
before mega-industries, ships, railways, big power plants etc. All human
activities were based on natural resources. There was no mass production,
consumerism and waste. Pollutions and related aberrations were unheard.
With the use of fossil fuels like petroleum and coal, pollution, global
warming, loss of habitats, diseases etc (see appendix for some details)
became widespread and unmanageable. The most serious thing is that small
amounts of Carbon Dioxide and other chemicals from vehicles,factories,
power plants, motors etc. go on accumulating, affecting atmosphere,
rains, rivers, oceans, biosphere etc. By about 1995, CO2 concentrations
increased to more than 350 ppm. (Pre-industrial CO2 levels were about
280 ppm). Presently CO2 concentrations are above 400 ppm and is increasing
at 2 ppm/yr ( etc.). If the
present trends continue, by 2040 – 2050, the Earth’s atmosphere,
environments, seas, freshwaters and other land resources can face catastrophic
changes which can take many decades to rectify or recoup. Some say that
humans are causing another (sixth) ‘mass extiction’ ( see
last paragraph for experts’ comments) of lives on the planet which
might take many millions of years to recoup or reach equilibrium situations
which is healthy for life to flourish. Are these
hints of disintegration and distruction of present industrial, urban
and consumerist establishments enough for the rich and powerful to reevaluate
their views on global changes? If they do not understand, they
are blinded by their greed and luxuries. |
most disturbing aspects of global warming and other changes is the differences
among naturalists, scientists, industrialists,statesmen etc. on their
causes and intensities and in fixing responsibilities of remedial actions.
The socio-economic , governmental and international mess, as seen at
present, is confusing and this mess delays remedial actions! These
differences can be narrowed down by accepting results of scientific
studies and following experts and specialists (without bias) on global
changes. Governments, administrators and industrialists should
accept the conclusions of specialists and/or groups of experts. Global
changes are symptoms of Earth’s (atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere
and cryosphere) ill-health which would affect all, irrespective of wealth,
armies and international alliances. Nations and governments should narrow
down their differences on various aspects of global changes to arrive
at global solutions. Never in history the planet experienced (and will
be experiencing) this type of widespread, and out- of- control changes
due to human activities and interferences with natural and balanced
(e.g., ecological balance) process. Humans are
perhaps late by 15-20 years to take remedial actions? |
above problems are caused by misuses or abuses of science and technology
by rich and powerful. It is technology which caused the formation of
big cities and urban regions with many industries of all types, progressive,
polluting, consumerist etc. Industrialisation was once panacea for all
human problems. Agrarian countries jumped on to the bandwagon of industrialization.
For sometime it was beneficial and progressive. (Nobody at that time
could think of the poisonous, disintegrative cities which are seen in
many countries). Even now, at this late hours, many leaders of governments
, industries and companies are living in their own cocoons of narrow
or biased minds as frogs-in-well, unable to take note of possible destructions
waiting to come. |
is a common sense level answer for the present enigmatic situations;
‘ if humans do not learn from nature, nature
will teach a lesson ‘. It
is global climatic equilibrium which caused the evolutionary progress
from forests to agricultural communities over thousands of years. Scientific
and technological advances resulting in new inventions and manufacturing
process caused cities and urban cultures. The global climatic
equilibrium is partially destroyed by misuses of technology during the
past 6-8 decades and this destruction is continuing. The consequences
are clear; many imbalances, disintegration, loss of habitats, diseases
and destruction. If the present trends continue for another 20-30 years,
the Earth will react back through her (she is more than 4 billions years
old and wise!) feedbacks to restore balances and equilibrium; at what
costs and for how many decades are difficult and awesome to imagine!
A recently published article (
warns of a sixth mass extinction which would take a few centuries to
wipe-out lives on Earth and millions of years to come back to equilibrium
(similar to what existed 200-300 years back. Paul R. Ehrlich and Gerardo
Ceballos write, “ avoiding a true sixth
mass extinction will require rapid, greatly intensified efforts to conserve
already threatened species, and to alleviate pressures on their populations
– notably habitat loss, over-exploitation for economic gain and
climate change”. Humans are late by about 2 decades .
warming due to emissions from factories, vehicles etc., ozone holes in
upper atmosphere, warming of seas and oceans, erratic weathers affecting agriculture, industries etc., sea level risings and coastal flodings, acidification of of ocean waters, loss of lives and habitats in lands and oceans, atmospheric pollutions by different chemicals, fresh water pollutions, contamination or changes in soils affecting fertility, contamination of vegetables, fruits and other foods, diseases due to chemicals, over- population and lack of resources, urbanization, corruption, over-productions, consumerism and disintegrative luxuries, sensual life styles, many indirect disruptions of healthy lives |