Dialectics (dynamics of opposing forces) of thinking and language (think of origin of a dialect-language), dialectics of ideas and ideologies, dialectics in philosophies and life, dialectics of physical forces and energies, dialectics of actions and reactions etc. are seen everywhere. Dialectical nature of things is the absolute 'action-reaction', 'force-counter force', 'progressive-regressive', 'forward-backward', 'for-against',... principle of nature/ Universe. See Newton's third law of motion, 'for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction'. This shows the presence of an opposing energy, force, person or agency, office or officer, philosophy, ideology, in all actions, in all fields, in all process of nature. There exist energies/forces and counter energies/forces of different intensities and scales in activities of animals, plants and their communities, nonliving things and their organizations.
                                        See the balance of forces/energies in an atom. The positive charge of protons and negative charge of electrons balance in stable atoms. If an imbalance of charges/energies happen, some emission or absorption can take place. This type of action-reaction goes on in molecules, giant molecules,compounds and different materials. See what happens in a galaxy. Numerous stars, planets, asteroids, fields/energies etc. act, balance, counteract and balance, group and form into systems of planets, stars etc. There are numerous systems of stars, planets etc. in a galaxy and millions of galaxies in the Universe. See also 'Universe' and 'Infinity' in Glossary
                                     Leave micro and mega process which are studied using microscopes, telescopes, computers etc. and are firstly and directly known to scientists only. Come to macro-process and start in a house. If there are two children, a son and a daughter, in how many ways they have to be monitored and balanced by parents in daily life, in relation to father-mother differences and duties, male-female matters, balances of work, studies and rest, incomes and expenses, etc.? During the course of growth of a child, from infant to youth, how many times he/she has to be instructed for, ' what are good, bad, right, wrong, enough, more, study, play etc.'. Balancing individual needs and family needs, household and neighborhood matters and health and wealth matters are very complex. This can be extended to professions, leisure, politics and government, national and international matters and 'what- is- not'.
                                      Come to another macro-process of personal life and health matters of a citizen. A person has to balance energy input or intake of foods, water etc. by energy output by work, walking, socialising etc. Considering health alone, a person has to balance different activities, so that various systems and organs of body work in harmony (or in balance) for good health. Similarly are matters of familial health and social health, morals and law,matters of short term and long term interests etc. So in all activities including process of society or social dynamics, from house extending to neighbourhood , work place, political and national regimes , there exist actions and counteractions, opposing forces and organizations and supporting forces and organisations. Come to organizations of government; there are many balancing (or acting-counter acting) parties and groups, many administrative measures and counter measures, many competing ideologies of social life, many peaceful groups and militant groups, many organizations of work and pleasures etc. If harmonious and progressive situations prevail, the opposing forces would work or proceed smoothly, progressively and evolvingly like cog wheels in a wall clock, otherwise loosely, turbulently, violently or chaotically! These harmonious and progressive situations are achieved through a set of laws and practices, agreed by all members of an organized group/society for benefits of all. These rules effectively curtail, suppress, or ban some dialectical forces or situations. These can be seen in many man-made organizations. These curtailing or banning measures can have long term consequences in a society, depending on the forces which are curtailed or banned and for what durations. One consequence can be origin of NEW counter forces. Think of the huge changes in dialectical process of evolution of human habitats from forests to urban areas. This happened during thousands of years in many regions of Earth. In forests, purely natural, dialectical, evolutionary process prevail. In tribal areas, some process and forces are curtailed or suppressed, but new things, forces and counter forces form. This happens further into rural areas and cities. In modern urban areas NEW dialectics of science and technology prevail. These situations have become very artificial (or purely technological) and anti-evolutionary. See 'Misuses of Science and technology' and 'Modern Dynosaurs' for more details.
                                     See worlds of theology (theology is based on traditions, belief, myths etc.) and related principles, morals and life. At absolute level, there is the duality of 'good - bad', 'god - devil' and 'divine - devilish', giving 'god' the upper hand or final victory in the struggle of life within society by qualifying God as 'almighty' or 'God only knows', 'God is omniscient', etc. As stated early, dualism is fundamental in life - in thinking/believing and living, in matters arising out of 'forces - counter forces' (or dialectical) nature of all process in the Universe(see second paragraph also).
                                        Try to understand Universe as a whole. (This depends very much on intellectual capacities of different persons - ordinary persons, teachers, scientists, wise men, philosophers etc. ). Universe as seen surficially is a continuum of 'matters - energies - motions - masses - organizations(without life) - replicating D.N.A. - unicellular life - big/multicellular organisms - communities' and different balancing actions (e.g., planets vs. stars, plants vs. animals, humans vs. plants and animals, carnivores vs. herbivores). Most fundamentally, Universe can be called 'matters-energies continuum' (Varkey 2018 , A nine dimensional Universe, submitted for publication). So the universal law or absolute law of everything is 'DIALECTICAL NATURE OF ALL THINGS', from atoms to galaxies and Earth. In other words, the Universe is dynamic, dialectical, changing and evolving, involving numerous energies and forces, elements and masses, motions, organizations, organisms, communities etc. in numerous scales and modes. Cosmos and chaos - two evolving parts of Universe (Varkey 2015, Current Science 109(12):2171-'72) - are in an evolutionary, dynamical process called 'cosmosis' at cosmos- chaos mega level, (a process like osmosis at macro level), wherein various matters and energies act, counteract, mix-up, exchange, form, transform, consolidate, grow, integrate, disintegrate, regenerate, ...... grow, integrate etc. The Universe as understood by a forest- human is 7 dimensional - 3 for matters, 1 for energies/energisations and motions, I for unicellular, genetical energisations with life, 1 for instinctual, moving/walking, reproducing and self-protecting animals and the seventh for bipedal, intelligent Homo sapiens in forests (varkey 2018, A nine dimensional Universe, submitted for publication). The Universe is 8 dimensional for a rural farmer with organizations of families, farming, commerce, education, worship etc., and 9 dimensional for a scientist who has microscopes and telescopes to study the micro and mega parts of Universe which are nonexistent for a rural farmer or tribal, except by faith in scientific studies.
Quotations on dialectical process
1. What matters for the dialectician is having the wind of world history in his sails. Thinking for him means: to set the sails. It is the way they are set that matters. Words are his sails. The way they are set turns them into concepts. - W. Benjamin
2. There is problem in every solution and a solution in every problem. - Thabiso Daniel Monkoe
3. Behind every light there is darkness. - Thabiso Daniel Monkoe
4. Without analysis, no synthesis. - F. Engels
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